
Monday, June 25, 2012

What's Been Bothering Me...

I can't decide how to start this post without having it turn into one major rant-fest, so I've decided that posting it as a list is the best way to go. Here are ten things that are just driving me crazy right now:

1. Mothers judging other mothers. Whether it's breast vs. bottle, working vs. staying at home, cloth vs. disposable diapers, or even whether or not to feed your child organic, it seems that moms just can't catch a break. Why is that? Can't we be supportive for a change?

2. People who won't wash dishes. Ever. Just because there is a dishwasher does not mean that you should put in pots that take up the entire bottom space, when it takes two minutes to wash them by hand.

3. The housing market here. It just hasn't dropped as it should have.

4. The fact that, due to financial, emotional, and other reasons, we are done having children. (Shanny, I can totally relate to your latest post about the whole "third child" thing)

5. People who use their turn signal when they don't need to (like when the road CURVES) and people who don't use it at all.

6. Sushi. Nobody ACTUALLY likes Sushi...

7. Post-secondary education: it's expensive as heck, and often doesn't help you get a job anyway. And on that subject...

8. Businesses that could pretty easily train a fairly intelligent person to do the job, but still require a university degree to even get an interview...even though they are still going to have to train that person to do the job...

9. Politics. Or, rather, politicians. Stop wasting your time fighting with each other and actually try to start solving problems...

10. My scale. Obviously, it's confused. I don't actually weight those extra pounds, do I?

What is bothering you? Feel free to leave comments...

1 comment:

  1. OMG I'm with you on all these points... especially about the signals, what is this about? It gives me instant road rage lol
    And the scale? I think we both have broken scales, grrrrr I'm on Myfitnesspal and I swear I do everything just right... but nothing, boo =(
