
Wednesday, February 11, 2015

Before and After- First 10 Pounds

I realize that I should have posted this at the end of January, but...better late than never, right?

These photos show about a ten pound difference, from my starting weight as of January 1st (207) to my weight as of January 31st (197.2) At first I was unhappy that I couldn't see much of a difference, but then several people pointed out that my face and tummy look smaller, so I figured I should just listen to them and be happy with the results.

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Here is an even better comparison picture, though. On the left is a photo taken 3 years ago when I weighed 198, and on the right is the same 197.2 photo as shown above. Now I can DEFINITELY tell a difference in this photo, even though my weight is basically the same!

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This just serves as a reminder that weight isn't the only indicator of success. Obviously my weight lifting and cardio routine has helped to keep my body in better shape than it was three years ago. Knowing that is DEFINITELY helping to keep me motivated.

I'm starting to feel better, so I'm sure I'll be kicking butt at the gym again in no time.

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