Step 1: Take a photo of your child's profile. It will be easier (later on) if you do this against a solid coloured background. If your child has long hair, it seems to work best if it's being worn in a pony tail.
Step 2: Print photo in whatever size you want the end product to be (I just used my computer printer)
Step 3: Cut out photo - don't forget to leave just a little bit of the neck, chest, and shoulders visible
Step 4: Trace cut-out onto black cardstock
Step 5: Cut THAT out
Step 6: Mount onto whatever background you like. I used white, but don't be afraid to use colour. A coloured frame with a white background would add a fun modern flair. I also liked the old-school style of mounting onto ovals, but many people choose to mount the silhouette directly onto the bigger background, and that looks great too.
Step 7: Frame your masterpiece. Voila, you are done!
As long as you can get your kiddo to sit long enough to take the original picture, it really isn't a difficult or time-consuming project...which you know I love! And you don't have to limit the silhouettes to photos of children, either. A favourite pet, cherished item, hand print, etc. are all good ideas too! Be creative!
Additionally, I wanted a better way to display my daughter's school "artwork" rather than just stick it on the fridge. A simple IKEA picture frame did the trick:
Creating things sure is fun, but also tiring. No wonder I have no energy for the gym!