It's been awhile, but I've finally decided to participate in another LINK UP!!! This one is about Christmas, so I just couldn't resist. I love the holidays! Besides,
Jennifer is helping host, so how could I not join in? I adore her!
Without further ado, may I present...
Favorite Christmas song.
- Sleigh Ride (the instrumental version!) A close second is Burl Ives' version of "Holly Jolly Christmas" (but you have to picture him as a Claymation snowman while listening to it)...or maybe "Christmas in Kilarney"...
Christmas song you can’t stand.
- Anything sad. Like the "Christmas Shoes" one. The holidays can be hard enough for some people without music out there to further depress them!
Favorite holiday movie.
- This is a tough one. Last year I discovered "Miracle on 34th Street", and I think that one is winning right now...
Real or artificial tree?
- I love real trees, but we have artificial
White or colored lights?
- I like both!
All matching ornaments or more random personal ornaments?
- Random and eclectic for SURE
Favorite ornament.
- I honestly don't think I can pick a favourite. I have so many that are special to me. Some of the most special ones involve memories made with my young children.
Angel or star tree-topper?
- We have a fairly boring star!
Does Santa wrap presents or leave them unwrapped?
- He wraps them, unless there is something large, like a dollhouse. Actually...come to think of it, I think there is usually one know, to distract the children and prevent them from going completely wild while they wait to open the rest...
Favorite childhood memory.
- Seriously, how do you pick just one? Basically, anything that involved my grandparents. I can still see my Grandpa sitting in our family room, having waited for us to come downstairs and open gifts. And it was always exciting to visit my Nana and Papa and get to experience a second Christmas celebration with them - we even had our own stockings there!!!
Coffee, hot chocolate, or eggnog?
- Um, hot chocolate. Those other two things are gross.
Christmas morning at home or do you travel?
- HOME! I never want to travel at Christmas ever again!
Traditional holiday meal or something unconventional?
- We do a traditional meal on Boxing Day. But honestly, I could take it or leave it. Turkey doesn't excite me.
Personalized photo Christmas cards, store bought cards, e-cards, or “ain’t nobody got time for that”?
Photo cards!
Have a great day!